Welcome to Purplemilo, where we are committed to revolutionizing the world of education through advanced AI tools. Our platform is designed to enable educators to tailor their teaching methods to meet the unique needs and abilities of each student.

Transform Your Teaching with Purplemilo!


How It Works

Purplemilo gives educators the ability to create personalized learning tasks that cater to different student ability levels.

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Our Mission

We believe every educator has the potential to inspire and motivate their students if equipped with the right tools. Purplemilo ensures that no student is overlooked.

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Customized Learning Tasks

Our Purplemilo platform brings innovative solutions for teachers facing challenges in catering to students with diverse educational needs. With a simple form, teachers can effectively create learning tasks customized to various difficulty levels, ensuring every student is adequately engaged and challenged without feeling frustrated or demotivated.

  • In many schools, teachers lack the capacity to individually attend to students with extreme abilities or those who are below average. This often leads to their demotivation and insufficient development due to the lack of tailored education. Our platform addresses this problem by providing tools to flexibly set educational goals and content according to the individual needs of students.

Education and support of teachers

Purplemilo is designed to be compatible with various educational systems and platforms, simplifying its adoption and integration into existing school processes. We offer a comprehensive solution that not only improves individual learning outcomes but also supports the professional development of teachers by providing access to the latest pedagogical methods and technologies.

  • Purplemilo is more than just a tool; it is a partner for teachers on the path to excellence in teaching, enabling every student to receive quality education tailored to their needs and ambitions.

How It Works ?

Comments from teachers

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    I appreciate that no technical skills are required.

    Alexandra Hašková high school math - May 2024

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    I like that assignments can be customized after generation.

    Veronika Durčáková high school English teacher - April 2024

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    It’s like having a thousand colleagues in your pocket.

    Peter Vadkerti computer science teacher - July 2024

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    Lýceum C. S. Lewisa, Haanova 28, Bratislava

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